Thursday 3 May 2007

Stacks, caves and arches.

Stacks, caves and arches are naturally formed by the sea. A cave is formed when all of the soft rock (eg chalk and sandstone) in a headland or outcrop of rock is eroded away by the sea and gradually getting bigger to form a cave. Some examples of these can be found on the beach of Lulworth Cove near to Durdle Door. An arch is formed when a cave is formed on both sides of a headland or outcrop of rock and eventually break through eachother to make an arch. A fabulous example of this is Durdle Door at Lulworth cove. A stack is formed when an arch gets old and the top erodes away to form a small tower of rock or, as it is called, stack. A good example of this is Old Harry Rocks in Swanage. Eventually a stack would get smaller and thinner to become a needle, follwed by a stump. A good place to see these are at The Needles on the Isle of Wight.

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